John Bruchalski, M.D.
Founder and President of Divine Mercy Care, Tepeyac OB/GYN
The Margaret Way Hoffner Award to be presented to the
Gianna Center of Philadelphia
Directed by Barbara Rose, AGPCNP, CFCP,
Delia Larrauri, MD, FACOG and Karla Semen, FCPI, Medical Assistant
PHL Lifetime Achievement Award to be presented to
Lester Ruppersberger, D.O.
Medical Director of area crisis pregnancy centers, author and advisor on biomedical issues,
Retired Board Member and President of the Catholic Medical Association
Springfield Country Club, Springfield, PA Reception: 4:00 PM - Dinner 5:00 PM
Tickets: Adults: $90 - Table of ten: $800 Students: $50 - Table of ten students: $400