Dear Friends,
Yesterday, on the Feast of St. John Henry Neumann, Fourth Bishop of Philadelphia, Archbishop Nelson J. Perez released a pastoral letter, at the core of which is a call to a pastoral change of heart, a conversion to the lifestyle and mindset of a missionary disciple.
A missionary disciple is someone who is seriously committed to life in Jesus Christ and is enflamed with the desire to win back the Lord's lost sheep, those Catholics who no longer attend Mass.
The letter also shares with us the Archbishop's vision for the future of the Church of Philadelphia through an introduction to the initiative known as "The Fourth Way."
Read and ReflectPlease take the time to read the Archbishop's letter, watch the video and read through the Frequently Asked Questions, all of which can be found on the website,
Attend a Consultation SessionThe Archbishop's letter also inaugurates a period of widespread consultation regarding "The Fourth Way." All Catholics of the Archdiocese are invited to attend a consultation session so you can learn more about this plan and offer your input. Dates, locations and registration for the consultation sessions can also be found on the website,